Product Description
Benefited Crops-
Sugarcane , Cotton, Soyabean, Gram, Wheat Paddy Maize, Sorghum, Pearl, Millet, Potato, Brinjal, Cabbage, Tomato, Chili,Orange, Kinnow, Banana, Mango, Garlic, Onion, ,Tuar, Peas, Masoor, Groundnut, Methi, Moong , Urd, Flower, Horticultural crops, fruit crops etc.
Nutrient supplement, Azotobactor, Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB), Rhizobium, Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza ( VAM ), Zinc Solubilising Bacteria, Potash Mobilizing Bacteria, Sulphur Oxidizing Bacteria, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Acetobacter, Sulphur Oxidising Bacteria, Decomposer
Soil Application-
Take 6 kg 100 power and mix it with 100 kg well decomposed FYM. Use it immediately before sowing or in standing crop per acre.
Soil Benefits-
Improves soil aeration
Enriches soil with micro-organisms (adding enzymes such as phosphatase and cellulase)
Provide enzymes, vitamins and hormones to the plant
Microbial activity in worm castings is 10 to 20 times higher than in the soil and organic matter that the worm ingests
It show antagonistic activity against various plant pathogenic fungi like Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani & Sclerotiumrolfsii
Attracts deep-burrowing earthworms already present in the soil
Improves water holding capacity
Helps in increasing the beneficial micro-organisms in the rhizosphere reason.
Improve soil structure and quality
Makes feeder roots more resistant to infection by soil born pathogens
Enhances uptake of phosphates and many other minerals like Zn, S ,Cu, Bo, Mg, etc
Play an important role in the increased yield of crops
Maintains soil pH & Organic carbon
Improves quality of crops
It increase the oil content of oil seed crop
It controls soil born pathogen
Increase the capacity of plant for taking nutrients.
It increase seed germination
Increase the numbers of root nodules